
Ulf Mattsson

Chairman of the Board, Member of the Compensation Committee

Ulf Mattsson

  • Born 1964. MSc Economics.

    Elected to the Board: 2022

    Position and board directorships: Board chair of VaccinDirekt i Sverige AB, Swemac Innovation AB, SLEIP AI AB and Prima Vård AB. Board member of Addtech, Priveq fund V, VI and VI and Oras Invest Oy. Senior Advisor for PJT Partners Inc.

    Previous positions: Board Chair of Securitas Direct and AcadeMedia and CEO of Capio, Gambro and Mölnlycke Health Care.

    Independent: Independent of major shareholders and the company.

    Attendo holdings: 24,390 shares and 691.729 call options.

Catarina Fagerholm

Board Member, Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee

Catarina Fagerholm

  • Born 1963. MSc Business and Economics, Helsinki

    School of Economics. Elected to the Board: 2016

    Position and board directorships: Board Member of Restel Oy, CapMan Oyj, Byggmax
    Group AB and Eduviva AB.

    Previous positions: CEO of Instru Optiikka Oy, CEO of BSH Kodinkoneet Oy and member of executive management of BSH Hausgeräte Northern Europe; senior management positions within Electrolux/AEG including country manager AEG Household Appliances in Finland and Russia and several senior positions with Amer Group Ltd.

    Independent: Independent of major shareholders and the company.

    Attendo holdings: 10,000 shares.

Antti Ylikorkala

Board Member, Member of the Compensation Committee

Antti Ylikorkala

  • Born 1974. Doctor of Medicine, University of Helsinki.

    Elected to the Board: 2023

    Position and board directorships: –

    Other roles of interest: Chairman of Foxanox AG. Board Member at Doctari Group GmbH, Solo Health Group Oy, 9-Lives Group Oy and Diktamen Oy. Advisor to Nordic Capital.

    Previous positions: Deputy CEO of Attendo Finland Oy and member of the management team of Attendo AB (2007–2016). Board Member of Art Clinic AB (2018–2022) and HALI (2011–2016).

    Independent: Independent of major shareholders and the company.

    Attendo holdings: 3,650,569 shares

Per Josefsson

Board Member, Member of Audit and Risk Committee

Per Josefsson

  • Born 1959. MSc Business and Economics, Stockholm School of Economics.

    Elected to the Board: 2023 Position and board directorships: Chair Jofam. Board Member of Vesper Group, Neudi and IVA.

    Previous positions: Co-founder and partner at Brummer & Partners 1995–2021.

    Independent: Independent of major shareholders and the company.

    Attendo holdings: Control of Jofam, which owns 5,700,000 shares, and of Jofam 2, which owns 300,000 shares.

Tobias Lönnevall

Board Member, Chair of the Compensation Committee

Tobias Lönnevall

  • Born 1980. MSc Business and Economics, Stockholm School of Economics.

    Elected to the Board: 2016

    Positions and board directorships: Investment Director, Nordstjernan. Board Member Bonava AB.

    Previous positions: Board Member of Diös AB, Chairman of KMT Precision Grinding; Acting CEO of NH Logistics; Finance Manager at Landic Property and Management Consultant at Accenture.

    Independent: Dependent in relation to major shareholders and independent in relation to the company.

    Attendo holdings: 20,000 shares.

Suvi-Anne Siimes

Board Member

Suvi-Anne Siimes

  • Born 1963. Licentiate of Political Science (Economics) and Master of Political Science (Economics), Helsinki University.

    Elected to the Board: 2020

    Position and board directorships: CEO of Finnish Pension Alliance TELA.

    Previous positions: CEO of Pharma Industry Finland, Chairman of the Board of
    Veikkaus Oy, Board Member of the Yrjö Jahnsson Foundation and Board Member and Vice Chairman of Posti Group Oyj. Several ministerial posts in the Finnish government.

    Independent: Independent of major shareholders and the company.

    Attendo holdings: 0 shares

Nora F. Larssen

Board Member, Member of the Audit and Risk Committee

Nora F. Larssen

  • Born 1965. MSc Business and Economics, MBA from Duke University.

    Elected to the Board: 2023

    Other roles of interest: Chairman of Etac AB and Emma S. AB. Member of Aidian Oy and Nobia AB.

    Previous positions: Former Senior Advisor and Investment Director at Nordstjernan and responsible for the Health sector and member of Nordstjernan's management team, partner at McKinsey & Co for 12 years.

    Independent: Dependent in relation to major shareholders and independent in relation to the company.

    Attendo holdings: 0 shares.

Katarina Nirhammar

Employee Representative, Swedish Municipal Workers’ Union.

Katarina Nirhammar

  • Born: 1963

    Appointed to the Board: 2020

    Attendo holdings:

Principal auditor

Erik Bergh

  • At the Annual General Meeting 2022, the registered audit firm PwC (Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB) was elected as auditor for the period until the end of the Annual General Meeting 2025. Auditor in charge is Erik Bergh. Erik Bergh is a certified accountant and has office address of c/o PwC, Torsgatan 21, 113 21 Stockholm.

The work of the board

The Board deals with matters related to the company’s financial and strategic results and progress, with a particular focus on the matters that are core for the care operations, such as customer and employee experience.

The Board of Directors considers and decides on financial reports, and continuously follows the financial development and value creation and action plans.

Attendo’s Board of Directors consists of seven General Meeting elected Board Members including the CEO, as well as a member and deputy appointed by workers’ unions. Board Meetings are also attended by the Group’s Chief Financial Officer. Other members of Executive Management and other employees participate when necessary. All Board Members are experienced in business activities and in other areas relevant to Attendo’s operations.