Attendo is actively contributing to 6 out of 17 SDG's

Goal 3 – Good health and well-being

Contribution: Attendo provides innovative, high-quality care services, which helps promote good health and well-being for people of all ages.

Activities 2021: In 2022, Attendo continued developing a new perspective on quality work, where the individual’s quality of life is measured and tracked and used as the basis of the individual care plan. ​


Goal 5 – Gender equality

Contribution: Attendo has a high proportion of women employees, including managers, which contributes to increasing women’s influence and empowerment in business and in society as a whole.

Activities 2022: One woman was added to Attendo’s executive management team in 2022, which is now composed of three women and four men. Since 2019, the top operational executives of both Attendo business areas are women. Three ordinary members and two union representatives in the Board are women.


Goal 8 – Decent work and economic growth

Contribution: Attendo has a good and close relationship and cooperation with local unions and complies with valid collective agreements that offer employees good working conditions and benefits.

Activities 2022: In 2022, Attendo compensated for absenteeism due to Covid-19 and competence shortages with additional temporary staff to
lighten the burden on the regular workforce.


Goal 10 – Reduced inequalities

Contribution: Attendo actively spreads best working methods over its entire operational geographies, which increases health and care equality for people who need care.

Activities 2022: In 2022, Attendo sourced new tools for measuring and tracking operational quality and improving systematic tracking and initiated a project to introduce data-driven decision support that can predict care needs.


Goal 11 – Sustainable cities and communities

Contribution: Attendo builds care properties that contribute to urban development, make society inclusive, safe and sustainable and helps local authorities offer publicly financed care of high quality to more people who need care.

Activities 2022: Attendo opened 274 new beds in own operations in 2022 and began construction of 166 new beds. Several projects for transition to climate-smart solutions have been carried out at individual buildings.


Goal 16 - peace, justice and strong institutions

Contribution: Attendo contributes to providing greater freedom of choice and influence over their care to older people and people with disabilities, which increases their participation in society. 

Activities 2022: Attendo moved the intranet in 2022 to the employee app, Appendo, and increased the use of the relatives app, Nära, in more local units.


Attendo has some material impact on 8 of 17 SDG's

  • Goal 4 – Quality education

  • Goal 6 – Clean water and sanitation

  • Goal 7 – Affordable and clean energy

  • Goal 9 – Industry, innovation and infrastructure

  • Goal 12 – Responsible consumption and production

  • Goal 13 – Climate action

  • Goal 14 – Life below water

  • Goal 15 – Life on land

Attendo has no impact on 3 of 17 SDG's

  • Goal 1 - No poverty

  • Goal 2 - Zero hunger

  • Goal 17 - Partnership for the goals

Read more about the UN Sustainable Development Goals at